Green Climate World is a project aiming to improve the life on our planet
Trees have an essential limit in attempts to diminish the extension in ozone exhausting substances, the central driver of a hazardous barometrical devation and natural change. Like a wipe/foam, trees acclimatize carbon dioxide made by the activities of individuals and other living things. The limit of this tree is done massively by the forest area.
Defilement that has covered the air is apparently a consistently food in immense metropolitan regions. The more broadened, this smudged air can make our bodies seriously weak. Just as limiting the usage of private vehicles, one response for make the air fresher is to plant more trees. The upsides of planting trees are related to prosperity, yet furthermore our present situation. The benefits of planting trees may not be immediately felt by us. Regardless, later on, this work will be outstandingly significant for our children and grandchildren later on, so they can encounter youth in an environment with clean air and freed from disease. There are many benefits to planting trees, from cleaning the air to calming pressure. Further, here is the explanation.
Planting a tree can be the most clear and least requesting deed you can do to remunerate the neighborhood well as help save a lot our present situation. With such innumerable causes planting trees, not all have comparative missions and targets.
Through a lot of investigation, we at Green Climate World tracked down that the best results are procured by the use of a tree planting drone. The robot can plant up to numerous occasions speedier than a standard tree planting movement. This is the explanation we at Green Climate World will give a tree planting meander aimlessly and ensure that each planting try is feasible and capable.
The measure of delivered oxygen and carbon dioxide will be estimated by specific barometrical sensors that will send data straightforwardly to the blockchain. All logs will be secure on the blockchain with no opportunities for any sort of hardening or eradicating by anybody. Blockchain tech can make a scattered, secure, public, overall record for almost anything. A helper worth of Blockchain development is that what we store, track, make clear. We basically get more aware of. In this manner, Blockchain transforms into a layer of reliability in current non-direct business areas
Our Goal
Our key target is recording natural data to our blockchain and planting trees. To show up at our target we will take a little percent of the value of the WGC token and put it toward planting trees.
The focal point of the endeavor is the WGC Token. The WGC token is a blockchain based computerized cash and besides a record. All logs will be secure on the blockchain without any chances for any kind of treating or erasing by anyone. Our rule objective is recording barometrical data to our blockchain and planting trees.In solicitation to show up at our target we will take a little percent of the value of the WGC token and put it toward planting trees.
WGC Token
Platform Token : BEP-20 Token
Decimals : 16
Token Ticker : WGC
TOTAL Supply : 1000000000
Contract Adress : 0x1e4ffa373d94c95717fb83ec026b2e0e2f443bb0
Link Purchase :
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Pancake :
With the extended arrangements of tokens on account of the purchases made by the Green Climate World Foundation there will be a positive effect on the emblematic market. To ensure that no maltreatment of data, no deception occurs and no trading happens, all amazing wellbeing endeavors and great standards ought to be approved by the Executive Board people. The Green Climate World foundation will work constant
The Benefits of WGC Token Holders
- ICO Campaigns
With Complete Control Over Investment.
- Community
We care our Community and offer all of the contemplations
- General climate
WGC inside money can be used for Reward
The customers will really need to use their WGC Tokens through phenomenally arranged application Green Climate World which will be available for use on various contraptions. The Green Climate World application is proposed to go probably as a wallet to the customers. To make a clever wallet every individual ought to download the application and register their phone number. In future the Green Climate World application customers will really need to have veritable lifeupdates on the information delivered off the blockchain from the barometrical sensors. The information from the sensors that will be available are centralizations of CO2 O2 temperature and moisture
We as mankind produce considerably more carbon dioxide than our planet can take. Our planet is gagging a result of nonattendance of oxygen. One of the ways to deal with free our planet is to plant more trees. Planting trees extends the oxygen levels in the climate. At the same time trees during their photosynthesis use carbon dioxide which dials back the green nursery sway. What’s more trees add to the bringing down of the temperature of Earth, which is at an unrivaled high in the new years.
How everything started
- Dec 2019
Stage and WGC Token Planning.
- January 2020
Headway of the climate. Headway of WGC SDK.
- February 2020
WGC Sensor Design and Data Collecting.
- May 2021
- June 2021
Pre-ICO Phase ENDS
- July 2021
IEO Starts on Exchanges (Agreement Phase)
- August 2021
Courses of action For Tree Planting With Companies And Governments
- Dec 2021
Start Planting Trees
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UserName : akiko92
Profile BTT :;u=2750634
Wallet Coinsbit : 0x9F3dEDC7718284141b55f2637b2f279fB22dFAaf